Peraturan Tentang Mezbah didalam Keluaran 20: 22-26


  • Riska Nadeak Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Kusnanto Tri A Nainggolan Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Widya Novita Hutabarat Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Herdiana Boru Hombing Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung



Worship, elements, church life


Summary Worship in the Christian sense is God's commandment, which must be fulfilled by everyone who is redeemed and saved through the Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of the study is to answer:

What is meant by the worship of a believer? According to the Bible, what are the components of worship? How do you live worship in the church life? This study used a qualitative method with a library research approach. The results of this study are:

(1) True worship is serving God by offering various acts and attitudes of respect and adoration, submission and obedience with gratitude to the whole body, soul and spirit. (2) The elements of worship are an expression of the human mind which acknowledges that God is sovereign, full of power, and full of goodness. With a series of personal and human sacrifices approaching the altar of God with sacrifices. (3) Worship is lived in the life of the church with Jesus as the object of worship through hymns of praise, prayer, confession of sins, forgiveness, thanksgiving. The church life consists in offering the best sacrifices to God, that is body, soul.


J.A. Tellnoni, Tafsir Alkitab Kontekstual-Oikumenis Keluaran Pasal 1- 20 (Jakarta, Gunung Mulia, 2017).

Lasor W.S, Pengantar Perjanjian Lama 1 Sastra dan Nubuat (Jakarta, bpk Gunung Mulia 2020).

Andrew E. Hill dan John H. Walton, Survei Perjanjian Lama (Malang: Gandum MAS, 1998)

Alkitab Terjemahan Baru. Jakarta: LAI, 2004

King James Version Bible. Biblikal Studies Press, 2005




How to Cite

Riska Nadeak, Kusnanto Tri A Nainggolan, Widya Novita Hutabarat, & Herdiana Boru Hombing. (2023). Peraturan Tentang Mezbah didalam Keluaran 20: 22-26. Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Sosial Humaniora, 4(1), 67–81.