Pemberian Motivasi Terkait Ekonomi Kreatif Kepada Masyarakat Desa Muara Botung


  • Ahmad Sayuti Pulungan Universitas Graha Nusantara
  • Makhrani Makhrani Universitas Graha Nusantara
  • Nursalamah Nursalamah Universitas Graha Nusantara
  • Lailan Syafrina Hasibuan Universitas Graha Nusantara



Creative Economy, Creative Thinking, Observe, Imitate, Modify


The abstract contains a brief description of the problem and research objectives, the method used. This community service activity (PkM) was carried out in Kotanopan District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The aim of this PkM is to build community motivation in developing the creative economy in the area where they live. The implementation of this activity was carried out using the lecture and question and answer method. The purpose of the lecture method is to provide understanding and explain why a creative economy is needed. Furthermore, in this dedication, it is explained about other methods by observing, imitating and modifying. Furthermore, it is also explained in this service in the form of examples of villages that have developed a creative economy based on their potential.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Sayuti Pulungan, Makhrani Makhrani, Nursalamah Nursalamah, & Lailan Syafrina Hasibuan. (2023). Pemberian Motivasi Terkait Ekonomi Kreatif Kepada Masyarakat Desa Muara Botung. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Sejahtera, 2(2), 95–100.