Pembuatan Kap Lampu Hias dari Limbah Koran di Desa Soginti Kecamatan Paguat Kabupaten Pohuwato


  • Irwan Wunarlan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



Waste, lampshade, training, Soginti village


One of the efforts made to deal with trash or newspaper waste is to recycle waste by utilizing and making various decorative lampshade products that can fill and beautify environmentally friendly room decorations known as ecogreen decoration spaces. Decorative lampshades are a complement to room decoration that can beautify a room, be it the family room, living room, bedroom and lounge room or terrace. The decorative lampshade products are in the form of sitting decorative lampshades that are placed on tables or cabinets, decorative lampshades mounted on walls and hanging decorative lampshades. Newspaper waste has enormous potential if it can be recycled into an alternative raw material to replace natural raw materials. The process of recycling newspaper waste into recycled paper raw material is carried out by processing newspaper waste. The training and mentoring program for housewives and youth youth groups in Soginti Village, Paguat District has slowly shown encouraging results and could be an excellent solution in overcoming the crisis of piles of newspaper waste. This training activity is very useful not only for housewives and youth youth groups in Soginti Village, Paguat District, but can also be useful for sub-district and village officials as well as the community in general to become a solution to overcome environmental degradation due to piles of newspaper waste and how to use it. return the waste (reuse).



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How to Cite

Irwan Wunarlan. (2023). Pembuatan Kap Lampu Hias dari Limbah Koran di Desa Soginti Kecamatan Paguat Kabupaten Pohuwato. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Sejahtera, 2(4), 64–78.