Menumbuhkan Sikap Dermawan Pada Peserta Didik Di Lingkungan Sekolah
Generous, StudentsAbstract
Islam teaches its people to have morals or generosity with the aim of having a sense of gratitude for God's blessings, realizing high social sensitivity, and realizing a helpful society. Generosity is a character or character that is rarely found in a person, not everyone has a generous nature. Therefore, this generosity attitude needs to be grown and developed for students in the school environment. So that students will be able to apply it in everyday life. Some ways that schools or educators can do in cultivating this attitude are by giving alms or giving alms. Because, the learning material only explains in a descriptive way the attitude of generosity. However, it is necessary to have actions and intended practices so that these attitudes can grow in students.
Abdul Mujib dan Yusuf Muzakkir, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Kencana Predana media 2010.
Jamal Abdul Rahman, Tahapan Mendidik Anak, Penerjemah: Bahrun Abu Bakar Ihsan Zubaiti Bandung: Irsyad Baitus Salam 2008.
Rena Ajeng Triani, Urgensi Sikap Dermawan Menurut Hadis, Jurnal Riset Agama, Vol. No. 1 April 2021.
Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003
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