Relevansi Pemikiran Abu Ubayd dan Al-Syaibani dalam Perekonomian Indonesia


  • Halili Halili Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Nurul Qarnain Jember



Islamic Microeconomics, The Thought of Abu Ubayd, The Thought of Al-Shibani, International Trade in Islam


This paper studies the microeconomic theories of Abu Ubayd and Al-Syaibani. Although these two figures have different views on how to deal with economic problems, especially microeconomics, both have the same goal of wanting to improve the welfare of the people and get the pleasure of Allah SWT. The writing of Abu Ubayd and Al-Syaibani's microeconomic theory aims to show the public that the differences of opinion of Islamic economic thinkers are a good attitude because it is part of science and can be applied in real life. This journal uses a qualitative approach. The type of research conducted is library research. Library research is a type of research in which all data comes from written materials such as books, manuscripts, journals, and related documents. Abu Ubayd argues that international trade that is too free, namely by imposing zero tariff fees, will hinder the country's economic growth because in Islam there is no concept of free trade (even though the imported goods are purchased goods). As-Syaibani's economic thinking is used to build employment or entrepreneurship today, where many MSMEs are productive and become indicators of the nation's economy.


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How to Cite

Halili Halili. (2024). Relevansi Pemikiran Abu Ubayd dan Al-Syaibani dalam Perekonomian Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Syariah, 2(4), 106–116.

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