A Quantitative Study On Teacher’s Personality Effect Towards Students’ Learning Motivation


  • Wirentake Wirentake Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa




Teacher’s Personality, Students’ Learning Motivation, EFL Students


This study aims to understand the degree of correlation between teacher character and student learning motivation in the teaching and learning process of first year students at SMP Negeri 3 Terara. The sample of this study is that of all students of the SMP Terterara, a total of 60 students, and is divided into two groups: 30 students 1a and 30 students 1b. In this study, researchers used non-test technology by using a questionnaire-related instrument to collect data to express data about teachers' characteristics in the teaching process towards the motivation of students to learn. The analysis results showed that the maximum score was 46, the minimum score was 6, the average score was 23 and the standard deviation was 10.46, and 15 students received scores between 24-29. Based on the analysis of the teacher's character and the motivation of the students, r-count was found at 0.337 and the significant rank of 5% (5%) at 30, it was found at 0.361. The results of the teacher's hypothesis character showed that there was no correlation between the teacher's personality and the teaching of students.



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How to Cite

Wirentake Wirentake. (2023). A Quantitative Study On Teacher’s Personality Effect Towards Students’ Learning Motivation. Perspektif : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu Bahasa, 1(3), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.59059/perspektif.v1i3.423

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